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Achacha Fruit Tree

Achacha Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Garcinia humilis

Achachas are also knows Bolivian mangosteen. They are close related to the mangosteen.

The name means “Honey Kiss”, which describes the flavor.

The flavor is described as a combination of passion fruit, tangerine and honey. They are eaten fresh or used in tropical drinks.

* Fruit Ripens: Late June to July
* Mature Height: 15 Feet
* Sunlight: Partial Sun
* USDA Zone: 9-11
* Self-Pollinating: Yes

Amla Plant , Indian Gooseberry

Amla Plant , Indian Gooseberry
Botanical name: Phyllanthus emblica

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberries. The small berries are round and bright or yellow-green.

Cultivated throughout India and nearby countries, Amla has gained a following throughout the world as a “Superfruit”, by its tremendous health benefits, used in Ayurvedic.

The yellow, marble-sized Amla fruit tastes sour and astringent with sweet, bitter and pungent secondary tastes. It can be used fresh or a dried fruit.. Amla fruit can be eaten raw or cooked in various dishes, or pickled.

Mature height: 30 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes
USDA Zone: 9-11

Apricot Fruit Tree

Apricot Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Prunus armeniaca 'Katy'
Katy Variety

Large, firm, flavorful, and sweet freestone fruit. Fruit has golden skin and orange overtones. It is a highly productive tree, so you will enjoy a large harvest.

Low chill hours, 200 to 300 hours.

Ripens:  May- June
Mature height: 15-20 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun
USDA Zone 7-10

Araza Tree

Araza Plant
Botanical name: Eugenia stipitata

Araza is a rare fruit that native to Brazil, also called Araza-boi.

Araza grows in a shrub form. The fruits are very juicy, with a strong fruity aroma, with a unique sweet and sour taste with a smooth texture.

They are commonly used to make tropical drinks & cocktails, popsicles, and ice cream.

Mature height: 8 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes
USDA Zone: 9-11

Avocado Fruit Tree

Avocado Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Persea americana

The avocado, In Florida's early days it was known as Alligator Pear,

Avocados are pear-shaped fruits that grow on tropical evergreen trees.
They generally have a rough, green outer skin, buttery flesh, and large seed in the middle. Coming in many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures, their flavor is often described as mildly nutty and creamy.

Avocados are eaten fresh out of the pod or most famously prepared as guacamole, but also used in salads, sandwiches and sauces.

Avocados comes in two varieties, Type A and Type B.

Type A avocados are quite Hass-like, or descendants from Hass itself. That is, they have thick firm skin with rich and nutty flesh, high in oil content. They’re known to be exceptionally creamy.
Type B avocados are considered “Green-skins”. They’re usually more thin-skinned, fragile, and may have slightly more watery flesh with lower oil content.

Fruit Ripens:  April- December (Depending on the Variety)

Mature height: 15-40 feet (Depending on the Variety)

Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes

USDA Zone 7-10

Betel Leaf (Paan)

Betel Leaf /Paan Plant
Botanical Name: Piper betle

Betel leaf is a heart-shaped, deep-green color vine, that belongs to the family of Piperaceae. In India, betel leaves are commonly known as "paan leaves"

Betel leaf is mostly consumed in Asia, as betel quid or in paan, with areca nut and/or tobacco.

The leaves are rich in vitamins like vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and carotene and are a great source of calcium.

Mature height: 3 feet
Sunlight : Partial Sun
Cold hardy down to 36 degrees

Bilimbi/Sourie Fruit Tree

Bilimbi, Sourie Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Averrhoa bilimbi

Also known as Kamias, Cucumber Tree, Tree Sorrel, Belimbing Asam, Belimbing Buloh, Kamranga.

Bilimbi fruit are sour, yellow-green fruit with a thin, soft skin and crunchy, juicy flesh.

Bilimbi fruit may be processed into pickles, relishes, chutney and preserves. The fruit may be used to add a sour taste to sambal, curries and soups. Bilimbi fruit pairs well with fish, shrimp and heavy meats.

Fruits: Flowers February, then blooms and fruits, continuously until December.

Mature height: 15-20 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes

USDA Zone: 9-11

Cacao Plant, Chocolate Tree

Cacao Plant
Chocolate Tree
Botanical Name: Theobroma cacao

Enjoy year round blooms that transform from delicate white or pinkish flowers into giant cocoa pods.

Make fresh, rich and delicious chocolate right from your own plant.
Harvest cocoa beans with tons of health benefits.
Lovely flowers that bloom year round, even while fruit is present.

Season: October - January
Mature Height: 15 feet
Sunlight: Partial
USDA Zone: 9-11

Caimito, Star Apple Fruit Tree

Caimito, Star Apple Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Chrysophyllum cainito

Also known as Golden Leaf tree, Abiaba, Estrella, Milk Fruit, and Aguay.

The skin of the the fruit may be red-purple, dark-purple, or pale-green.
In purple fruits, the inner rind is dark purple, and in green fruits, white.

The fruit has a super sweet, milky, juicy flesh on the inside, and when cut in half resembles the shape of a star.

Ripens: May

Mature height: 15-25 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes

USDA Zone: 9-11

Carambola, Starfruit Fruit Tree

Carambola, Starfruit Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Averrhoa carambola

The fruit when fully ripened is crisp and sweet. Carambolas are highly productive with a distinctive star shape and unique flavor. The tree has lovely pink and lavender flowers when flowering.

Ripens: August - March 

Mature height: 20-30 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes

USDA Zone: 9-11

Cashew Nut, Marañon Fruit Tree

Cashew Nut, Marañon Fruit Tree
Botanical Name: Anacardium occidentale

Cashew trees produce fruits that have two edible parts.
The brightly colored cashew apple and the cashew nut which is consumed fresh after being properly shelled.

The cashew apple is oval-shaped, like bell pepper. The real fruit, is a nut attached to the end of the fruit.

Ripens: June

Mature height: 12-15 feet
Sunlight : Full Sun

Self-Pollinating: Yes

USDA Zone: 9-11

Coconut Palm Tree

Coconut Palm Tree
Dwarf Green Malayan
Botanical Name: Cocos Nucifera

Coconut Palms are beautiful landscaping trees.
Coconut Trees are:
-High heat and drought tolerance
-Wind resistance and salt-tolerant

Contrary to popular belief, the term Dwarf does not refer to the overall, mature size that one of these trees will achieve. Dwarf refers to the size at which the tree will start to produce fruit (coconuts). A Green Malayan will begin to fruit at approximately 2-3 feet of grey wood.

**Coconut plants can definitely be grown in Central Florida! But they will require some care if there is a freeze. You will have to protect them. They can only take tempertures down to 32 degrees. Coconut plants will be injured and may be killed if temperatures drop below 32 degrees and they are unprotected.**

Mature Height: 30-40 feet
Sunlight: Full
USDA Zone: 9-11

Custard Apple, Red

Custard Apple, Red
San Pablo Variety
Botanical Name: Annona reticulata

A long, large fruit with an opaque, light-red surface. The flesh is dark-pink with a good aroma and taste. It is a vigorous, productive cultivar.

They have a thick creamy custard-like pulp, not gritty. The fruit have a pleasant flavor and aroma, and they are best eaten out of hand or in ice cream.

Season : Late Winter to Spring
Mature Height : 15 feet
USDA Zone: 9-11
Can take temperatures down 30 degrees

Fig Trees

Fig Trees
Botanical Name: Ficus carica

Sweet, Moist, Chewy Fruit.

Large fruits, very sweet with a thin purple skin and red to violet flesh. Color varies upon varieties.

Large, tropical-looking leaves on this highly ornamental, rounded tree are great for shading a patio or backyard.

Mature Size: 15 feet
Harvest Season: June - September
Sunlight : Takes Full sun to Part shade
USDA Zone: 6-11

Guava Plants

Guava Plants
Varies by Variety

Asian Guava- Thai guavas are known as Farang in Thai. Thai guava is mildly sweet with a crunchy texture. This fruit is usually eaten unripe and raw. White flesh, numerous seeds, and green bumpy peel, are all edible.
Thai guavas are generally the size of a softball with apple green skin that can range from bumpy to smooth.

Ruby Supreme Guava - Pink Guava, has a sweet, lightly floral flavor. The texture is soft and juicy. Each fruit contains seeds that are edible. The fruit can be round to pear shaped, and they are typically about the size of a baseball.

Mature heights: 8-12 feet
Sunlight : Partial to Full Sun
USDA Zone: 9-11

Hog plum ,Jocote, Ciruela Plant

Hog plum ,Jocote, Ciruela Plant
Botanical name: Spondias purpurea

Also known as Spanish plum, Mombin, Spanish Mombin and Jamaica Plum.

Young fruits are green or yellowish-green and red when ripe. The pulp is yellow and sweet when ripe.

Fruiting and flower of hog plum occur right on the branches, as opposed to hanging from the tips

They are usually eaten as fresh fruit or picked green and used in East Indian cooking

Mature Height: 15 Feet
Sunlight: Full Sun
Self-Pollinating: Yes
USDA Zone: 9-11
Cold hardy down to 29 degrees

Ice Cream Bean Plant, Guamo, Padoo, Whitie

Ice Cream Bean Plant

Also know as, guaba, inga cipo, guamo bejuro, pois sucre, rabo de mico, inga de metro, monkey tail.

The Ice Cream Bean tree is a large, fast-growing leguminous tropical fruit tree native to South America.

The fruit has a pulpy interior, it has a sweet flavor similar to vanilla ice cream, hence its name and the texture of cotton candy. 

It can also be used to sweeten and flavor various foods as well. Ice Cream Bean pods average about one foot long.

Ice Cream Bean pods is an excellent source of dietary fiber, polyphenols, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories. They’re also an amazing nitrogen fixer for surrounding soil.

Mature height: 30 feet
Sunlight: Full Sun
Self-Pollinating: Yes
USDA Zone: 9-11
Cold hardy down to 32 degrees

Soursop, Guanábana Plant

Soursop, Guanábana Plant
Botanical name: Annona muricata

Soursop is a member of the custard apple family.

The flavor of soursop is quite distinctive, and despite its name, it's actually a sweet fruit. The flavor of the fruit has been described as a combination mango, pineapple and banana.

The fruit and leaves contain a number vitamins and nutrients like potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin C and Vitamin A for healthy skin and energy.

Mature Height: 20 Feet
Sunlight: Partial to Full Sun
USDA Zone: 9-11
Can take temperatures down 40 degrees

Star Gooseberry Plant

Star Gooseberry Plant
Botanical name: Phyllanthus acidus

It is native region of, India and Madagascar.

Also known as Grosella, Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, Tahitian gooseberry, country gooseberry, starberry, arbari, West India gooseberry.

The fruit is a round ribbed yellowish fruit, which is sour, is often used for pickling and preserves.

Mature Height: 20 Feet
Sunlight: Partial to Full Sun
USDA Zone: 9-11

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